Here you will find a list of tutorials that should help you get started with VIKING. However you are always welcome to contact us if you need help.
Tutorial 1: Introduction to VIKINGLearn what VIKING can do, and how to get started. |
Tutorial 2: Using supercomputersThis tutorial shows how to setup VIKING to use the supercomputer resources you have access to. |
Tutorial 3 (part 1): Setting up a simple Molecular Dynamics SimulationLearn how to setup and run a molecular dynamics simulation in VIKING. |
Tutorial 3 (part 2): Analyzing Molecular Dynamics ResultsLearn how to setup and run a molecular dynamics simulation in VIKING. |
Tutorial 4: Geometry OptimizationOptimizing the geometry of a structure in VIKING. |
Tutorial 5: Infrared SpectroscopyLearn how to calculate IR spectra and vibrational modes in VIKING. |